What We Do

Our Pilates Classes

Welcome to our Pilates classes, where we embark on a journey of health, fitness, and self-discovery through the wonders of Pilates. If you’re looking for an exciting path to improved well-being, you’re in the right place. Our Pilates classes are designed to cater to all levels, so whether you’re a Pilates novice or a seasoned enthusiast, you’ll find something here to invigorate your journey. Get ready to explore a world of strength, flexibility, and mindfulness, all within a supportive and welcoming community. As you scroll down, you’ll discover the Pilates classes that will help you reach your fitness and wellness goals.

Laura on a Pilates Chair

Full Pilates Experience

In this class, we’ll take you on a journey into the world of Pilates. Whether you’re new to the practice or looking to refine your skills, our Full Pilates Experience is the perfect class for all, accommodating all stages of pregnancy, including postnatal. We’ll guide you through the principles and techniques of Pilates, utilising various equipment, including the Reformer, Cadillac, Pilates Chair, Barre and Ladder Barrel to help you build a solid foundation and enables you to progressively improve your proficiency and understanding of Pilates exercises. You will learn proper alignment, breathing, and core engagement, setting the stage for a healthier, stronger you.

Beginner Reformer Pilates Classes

New to Pilates or looking to start from the basics? Our Beginner Reformer class is the perfect place to begin your Pilates journey. This class is tailored for those with little to no Pilates experience. You’ll learn the fundamentals of Pilates on the reformer apparatus, focusing on building a strong foundation, improving core strength, and enhancing flexibility and balance. It’s an ideal starting point for anyone new to Pilates.

Natalie doing Beginner Reformer
Laura doing Intermediate Reformer

Intermediate Reformer Pilates Classes

Ready to take your Pilates practice to the next level? Our Intermediate Reformer class is designed for those who have a solid grasp of Pilates basics and are looking for a more challenging workout. With a focus on the reformer apparatus, you’ll refine your technique, enhance your core strength, and increase flexibility and balance. This class is perfect for participants with some Pilates experience who are eager to progress their skills.

Advanced Reformer Pilates Classes

For those seeking the pinnacle of Pilates, our Advanced Reformer class is the ultimate challenge. This class is designed for experienced Pilates enthusiasts who have honed their skills and are ready to push their boundaries. You’ll embark on an intense journey to master the reformer apparatus, refining your strength, flexibility, and precision. Expect an invigorating and empowering workout that will leave you feeling accomplished and inspired.

Gina doing Mat Pilates

Mat Pilates Classes

Pregnancy Pilates Classes

Our Pregnancy Pilates class is a gentle and empowering journey for expectant and new mothers. During pregnancy, Pilates can help you maintain your strength and flexibility. After childbirth, it can assist in postpartum recovery. This class offers tailored exercises to support your changing body, enhance your energy, and connect with your inner strength as you embark on this new adventure. We understand that juggling the demands of motherhood can be a challenge, so we welcome you to bring your little ones too.

Shot of two pregnant women working out in a pilates studio with machines
Laura on Cadillac

Tailored to Individual Needs

Private & Semi-Private Pilates Classes

Our private Pilates classes are designed for those seeking a personalised exercise experience in a private setting. Ideal for individuals who have received recommendations from their consultant, doctor, or physiotherapist to incorporate Pilates into their rehabilitation routine. The session includes a thorough postural analysis and a customised exercise plan to support your progress at home. These classes are suitable for adults, children, couples, and the elderly. We also cater to pre and postnatal women.

  • Reformer: Experience a private session focused on the Reformer machine.
  • Diverse Range of Equipment: Enjoy a private session incorporating a range of equipment, including the Reformer, Cadillac, Chair, Barrel, Barre, and Myo Facial release.
  • Mat Work: Engage in a private session centred around mat work exercises.

To schedule a private class, please send a Direct Message to MultiFit Pilates via Contact Us or on Instagram or Facebook.

Classes are 50 minutes in duration and can be scheduled on Fridays (all day), Saturday mornings, and Sunday mornings.

  • Private Class (one individual) – £45 each person
  • Semi-Private Class (two individuals) – £40 each person
  • Semi-Private Class (three individuals) – £35 each person

Discount available to Children & Blue Light Card holders

How Do I Choose?

Specify Your Pilates Goal or Expectation

Select the option that best aligns with your objective to discover our recommended Pilates programs: